Zeppers are proud to work at zepp
Our work culture is based on trust. This means all ideas are valued, and all zeppers quickly turn into essential members of the team. At home, we can’t always elaborate on details of our work, but we can tell our friends and family that we are contributing to a cleaner planet. And that makes us proud.
Always growing, always adapting
As a young company, we are always growing and always changing. New team members, new ideas and new projects influence what it means to work at zepp on a daily basis. Not just during work hours, but also at lunch, on our afternoon walks or during team activities. But don’t take our word for it, read what our zeppers have to say for themselves.

Aditi - Mechanical Engineer
I am part of the mechanical engineering department at zepp, where I design and develop hydrogen fuel cell systems for various applications. Working in a relatively small team of a rapidly growing company requires me to handle various other tasks, which makes my role multifaceted. I started off as a fresh TU graduate with little experience in hydrogen fuel cells, and was immediately taken under the wing by my colleagues. The zepp team is very receptive to new ideas and diverse opinions, which motivates me and makes me feel like a part of the family.
The versatility of my role combined with real-life implementation of the designs developed, are the reasons why I chose to join this company. Given that zepp is part of a unique and niche market, is just an added bonus from a career perspective. It has been a great experience, both in terms of engineering challenges I get to tackle, and the open and encouraging work environment. Personally, I have had a steep learning curve and I see an all-rounded growth in my skills.
Tim - Software Engineer
My job as an simulation engineer is to develop physics based computer models of the components in our hydrogen fuel cell system, in order to arrive at an as optimal system design as possible.
There are three things I especially like about my job. First of all, it is the work itself I do. The opportunity to work on hydrogen fuel cell systems on such a fundamental level as I do is quite unique I think, and gives me the possibility to have a positive impact on the energy transition by directly applying the knowledge and skills I learned at the university.
Secondly, it is the atmosphere at zepp. On one hand, I am challenged to develop myself as an engineer and am stimulated to be creative and think out of the box. At the same time, I am part of a bigger team of many talented people, who are always willing to share their expertise with me. The trust I thus get helps me to develop myself and makes me feel I am a valuable member of the team.
Finally, there is the bonus of working at a beautiful location. When I was searching for a job, I did not think about this for a second, but when I started working here I realised how much it adds to my day to spend my working hours in a wonderfully restored historical building located in the centre of Delft, equipped with a fully automatic coffee machine.

Kevin - Co-founder
It was after the first year of my bachelors that I joined a group of students to develop hydrogen race cars. Never before had I experienced how addictive engineering and teamwork in particular can become if you are surrounded by highly talented and motivated people. To be working together on sustainable future technology, while pushing the boundaries of what was assumed to be possible, does not only satisfy the heart of an engineer but also motivates through a positive outlook on the future.
Six years further down the road, capturing this mindset, work ethic and experience in a company was my main motivator to start zepp.solutions together my with co-founders. To continue pushing hydrogen fuel cell technology on a larger commercial scale, to play an important role in the energy transition while creating a working environment in which people can grow and thrive has become a very rewarding journey.
Next to board related tasks I am busy developing and managing projects in the off- & on road sector. Sitting around the table with new clients and working together on a solution to make their product sustainable and commercially attractive, based on our technologies, is exciting and very fulfilling. On a daily basis, together with my mechanical team, I am also responsible for the mechanical development of our fuel cell and hydrogen storage modules. Hydrogen fuel cells are very complex machines, so we have to work closely with people from different departments and disciplines.
A chain is only as strong as its weakest link and that is no different in our team. Trusting others and receiving the trust that you can further develop and raise the bar on every level results in a special work atmosphere within the team and also helps you to develop on a personal level.
Don’t forget, teamwork makes the dream work!
Jacqueline - HR & Finance
Never before have I felt so at home with an employer. Although I am not a technical engineer, I definitely feel like a member of the team and I really have the feeling that we are all on this adventurous journey together.
My choice for Zepp at the time was partly due to my wish to contribute to the energy transition. Zepp turned out to be an excellent choice for me and I have learned already so much about hydrogen and its possibilities. It is partly my responsibility to take care of the financial administration and to let it develop along with the company. This gives me the opportunity to delve deeper into our products and services.
I find it a pleasure as an HR officer to take care of our employees and to recruit new people for Zepp, who can develop not only our company but also themselves. It is great to see how our talented engineers develop our hydrogen fuel cell systems and that motivates me to continue to grow and prosper with this wonderful company.