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Potentially interested in working at zepp? click on this banner to stay up to date on new jobs and opportunities.

Make it work

A job in hydrogen is a future-proof job, a good investment in your future. That’s why we’re glad to offer you a challenging and dynamic position in a continuously growing team of talented and motivated colleagues. Join us!

The perfect job for you

Are you looking for a challenging career in the field of hydrogen and fuel cell systems? Do you consider yourself a problem-solver and do you want to work with a dynamic team on the technology of tomorrow? Then you sound like the dream candidate for us. The overview below shows all current vacancies. If you can’t find what you’re looking for in the overview, but you believe you can be of added value to our team: feel free to contact us

Content Marketeer

Zepp.solutions groeit hard en we hebben behoefte aan mensen die ondersteuning willen bieden bij diverse non-tech werkzaamheden. Binnen onze afdeling Marketing & Communicatie zoeken we een Content Marketeer die verantwoordelijk zal zijn voor het beheer van onze websites en ondersteuning biedt bij communicatie- en contentcreatie (zowel tekstueel als visueel).

Financial Controller

zepp is aan het groeien en we hebben behoefte aan mensen die diverse non-tech bedrijfsprocessen verder met ons willen invullen. Een goede financiële bedrijfsvoering vinden we belangrijk, dus er is ruimte voor iemand met deze expertise.

Hydrogen Watertaxi render showing right back side, including hydrogen tanks and fuel cell system. Floating in open water

Test Engineer hydrogen fuel cell systems

This role involves the rigorous testing of hydrogen fuel cell systems using our cutting-edge proprietary test bench. This includes operating the test bench, collecting and possibly analysing the test data, executing and preparing test plans and documenting test procedures, findings and observations.

Medior Software Engineer Control Systems and C/C++

This role involves designing, implementing en validating control algorithms, diagnostic algorithms and supporting software for hydrogen fuel cell systems. You will be responsible for improving the control of zepp fuel cell systems, working out the design and implementation of existing ideas, proposing new ideas and analyzing the behavior in the fuel cell system.

Mechanic System Assembly

This (full time) job is new to our growing team. As we ramp up production in addition to design and development, we need more technical and practical hands-on people to assemble our systems.


Respond to one of the vacancies by clicking the ‘apply now’ button, or by sending your application to work@zepp.solutions. Can’t find your dream job in the overview, but interested in working at zepp? We’ll gladly keep you up to date on the latest opportunities, just send in an open application.

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